All Important BPDB Prepaid Meter Code List In Bangladesh

Prepaid meter balance check code 801 and all other important codes are 800, 812, 814 are used for respectively Total uses of electricity consumption
James Henry
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BPDB Prepaid Meter Balance Check Code is 801. You can check your digital prepaid meter balance by using this code. A side 801, there are so many codes to check necessary information in BPDB prepaid metre.

In this article, I am shared all needed prepaid meter code list with you. Also i share the uses of the codes how to use these code and see your prepare electric meter bills, last recharge date, emergency balance etc.

Prepaid Meter Code List in BD
All Important BPDB Prepaid Meter Code List In Bangladesh

BPDB Prepaid Meter

BPDB refers to Bangladesh power development board and the electric meter giving by Bangladesh Government which need to pre recharge to use electricity. You need to recharge first and according to remaining balance and electric unit charge combination you can use pay as you go.

If your prepaid meter balance become null then your home, office or wherever you installed prepaid meter, under that meter electricity flow will automatically stopped and after recharge your electricity will circulates regularly.

BPDB Prepaid Meter Codes

Check various functionality in your bpdb prepaid electric meter there have tons of codes. Each code have a function and result for you. Suppose you want to check your last month uses then you need to dial 814 and for total electricity Consumption you need to dial 800.

As well ass there have a huge list of bpdb prepaid meter codes. Here i shared all the necessary codes for bpdb prepaid electric meter you need.

Total uses of electricity consumption800
Current balance801
Stop an audio alarm812
Uses of present month’s electricity814
Previous recharge date815
Previous recharge time816
Amount of the previous recharge817
Uses an amount of the previous month’s electricity820
Before the present month, the power consumption821
Last recharge token number830
Value of present tariff866
Present token serial number899
Validity of the token890
Uses of the present month’s amount922
Uses of the previous month’s amount923

Here is necessary prepaid meter codes that you need. Also i have shared how to recharge a prepaid meter and how to balance check of a prepaid meter.

Prepaid Meter All Codes
Prepaid Meter All Codes

How to BPDB Prepaid Meter Balance Check Code

It is very important to check prepaid meter balance regularly. Otherwise if your prepaid meter balance become zero then your electricity supply will automatically turned off. Then you will pass on a hassle. To avoid balance problem you need to keep updated your balance amount by checking it on a regular basis.

You just need to press a simple code to check prepaid meter balance. Dial 801 on your BPDB prepaid meter to check current balance.

BPDP Prepaid Meter Emergency Loan Code

For emergency loan there have a option on yoir prepared electric meter. You can get upto 100 BDT emergency loan once you dial that code.

So dial 811 to get the emergency loan balance when your prepare meter has no money deposited but you need urgent electricity.

BPDP Prepaid Meter Emergency Balance Check Code

If you have already loan or emergency balance, then dial 810 on your prepaid meter to check prepaid meter emergency balance.

You need to aware that, at your next prepare meter recharge your emergency balance will deducted. So on your next recharge prepaid meter add some extra amount with your original amount to make sure you have enough balance to survive as long days as possible.

Importance of prepaid meter codes is very much. So note down given codes somewhere at your house. So next time you can directly check that paper and go to check your prepaid meter balance or other functions you need to check. I hope this discussion will help you a lot.

We will update this list if any update come from Bangladesh Power Development Board.

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